Livres parus en 2013

Perceptions of the Holocaust in Europe and Muslim Communities, Sources, Comparisons and Educational Challenges

Joëlle Allouche-Benayoun et al. (dir.)

Jikeli Günther & Allouche-Benayoun Joëlle (Eds.), Perceptions of the Holocaust in Europe and Muslim Communities, Sources, Comparisons and Educational Challenges, Series : Muslims in Global Societies Series, Vol. 5, 2013, VIII, 196 p.

• In depth historical perspectives on Holocaust perceptions and collective memory
• Up to date empirical case studies from a number of countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Turkey
• Investigation on relations between Holocaust perceptions and antisemitism
• Original reseach on the topic by distinguished scholars to educators
The way people think about the Holocaust is changing. The particular nature of the transformation depends on people’s historical perspectives and how they position themselves and their nation or community vis-à-vis the tragedy. Understandably, European Muslims perceive the Holocaust as less central to their history than do other Europeans. Yet while the acknowledgement and commemoration of the horrors of the Holocaust are increasingly important in Europe, Holocaust denial and biased views on the Holocaust are widespread in European Muslims’ countries of origin.

Joëlle Allouche-Benayoun est membre de l’AISLF.

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